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A little something about me…

I’m a lover of all things crafty and creative - from painting to sewing and everything in between. I’m also an avid self-help/spiritual junkie. So just your average Creative Spiritual Goddess - who loves experimenting with pattern, color, textiles along with thought provoking images and words; to create something beautiful and inspiring! 

Along my creative journey, I’ve discovered the projects I enjoy the most are those that not only help to grow my artistic skills but also take me further along my journey to self discovery.  Art Journaling; creating inspiration decks, and making colorful prints on my gelli plate are just a few of my favorite ways to create!

When I’m not playing in my studio you can find me teaching at the local paint and sip. While I love my time in the studio, being able to share my passion for art as a part-time Art Instructor is such a blessing to me!

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About this site

Tanya Watson Studio is all about combining my passion for personal growth and mixed media art! My vision and intention for this space is to create a friendly and welcoming environment for promoting artistic and positive expression.

I hope you’ll join me on this adventure and together we can uncover our inner awesomeness and have fun along the way because who couldn’t use a little more fun these days?!

Thanks for learning more about me - feel free to take a look around and find some inspiration!

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Artist Statement

Tanya Watson is the owner and creator of Tanya Watson Studio. She studied Fine Art at California State University, Long Beach for three years and graduated with a B.S. in Business Administration from Southern Wesleyan University.

Tanya has over 15 years experience as a creative instructor and business owner with an emphasis in mixed media art. She enjoys working in acrylics, inks and collage media to create whimsical and vibrant compositions. Her work mainly consists of abstract floral motifs mixed in with inspirational text and affirmations.

Tanya considers her art style to be more maximalist than minimalist. Most of her work is currently created in art journals and digital media. Her work has been published in Strawberrymoon Magazine and featured on GetMessyArt.com . Tanya’s mission is to create art that encourages, inspires and promotes positivity. You can view examples of Tanya’s work here.